Twinax Hub for the AS/400. |
Document: 10053
Category: 9036 Hub
Date Posted: 11/10/03 |
While looking at the brochure for the Model 9036 hub, it indicates a twinax connection from an AS/400 to a S.I.
Tech 9036 or 2836. From there a fiber link goes to a S.I. Tech 9036 hub. Why is the 9036 shown twice? Are they
separate devices?
We are looking at placing a few dumb terminals and want to use fiber.
To answer your question, you only need one 9036 hub. You can use a 2836 from 1 IBM AS/400 twinax port to fiber
to go to a remote 9036. The 9036 has 7 RJ-45 ports to connect to IBM AS/400 terminals. It also has a twinax port
if you are not using the RJ45 ports.
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